

Building a Livable and Beautiful Countryside in Mian County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province

 Published:2024-02-02  【字体:

     Tourists experiencing a guided tour at the Tangjiaba Village cattle breeding farm, which is constructed with support from the railway, in Mian County. Photo by Zhou Daogang.

  Located in the southern part of Shaanxi, Mian County oversees 18 townships and 198 villages, with eight villages, including Piaocaogou and Luotuoxiang, receiving key support from CR-Xi’an. In 2023, CR-Xi’an comprehensively implemented President Xi Jinping’s important directives on rural revitalization, focusing on the “Five Revitalizations” and practical initiatives for the people. They vigorously implemented assistance in transportation, industry, consumption, and Party building, undertaking creative efforts to continuously consolidate the achievements in poverty alleviation and contribute to the revitalization of rural areas in Mian County.

  A total of 103 million yuan was invested in assistance funds, implementing 10 assistance projects in areas such as reinforcing the “Three Guarantees,” industrial revitalization, and talent development. This funding was utilized for the transformation of railway lines, station yards, and freight yards within Mian County. Over 90 “Consumption Assistance Express” sales events were organized, aiding in the sale of agricultural products from assisted villages, totaling over 2 million yuan. In the warm winter, in the villages in Mian County that received targeted railway assistance, the tasks for rural revitalization translated into tangible gains for the assisted population.

  CR-Xi’an strengthened organizational leadership, conducting seven research and deployment sessions on assistance work through forms such as worker conferences and party committee meetings. They outlined five major categories and 20 specific measures for the year, ensuring the political responsibilities were effectively carried out. By the end of May last year, 24 resident officials and four supporting teachers took turns to support the region. Monthly assistance work meetings were held, and semi-annual assessments were conducted on the leadership of the assisted units, research and investment attraction, and consumption assistance. Strict management of attendance and leave for resident officials was implemented to solidify the foundation of their work.

  For rural revitalization, the rejuvenation of industries is crucial. CR-Xi’an upgraded the greenhouse in Tangjiawan Village, Fuchuan Town, installing intelligent temperature control, irrigation, and drip irrigation equipment to create an agricultural new technology service practice base. For Tangjiaba Village in Qishuba Town and Heitanzi Village in Xinjiezi Town, solar street lights were installed. The industrial road passing under the highway in Tangwan Village, Yuandun Town, was renovated, effectively solving problems such as road lighting and the entry and exit of large agricultural machinery. A camping base was constructed in Heitanzi Village, Xinjiezi Town, and assembly-style guest room equipment was purchased to enhance the rural tourism industry.

  CR-Xi’an expanded the radiation of industries, continuously enhancing internal vitality. They made effective use of the 18 industrial bases established through previous assistance projects, focusing on optimizing, strengthening, and promoting high-quality specialty products, including beef, rural chicken, chili, and teas. For the Mian County chili deep processing base supported by the railway, they actively developed an integrated “order-based” industrial chain covering chili planting, harvesting, processing, and sales. They vigorously promoted integrated agricultural projects such as the construction of a tea processing factory supported by the railway and tea garden leisure tourism, ensuring the construction, management, utilization, promotion, and benefits of the industry were done well.

  “To expand the results of consumption assistance, we have established a comprehensive three-dimensional procurement and supply network covering internal and external networks, online and offline, stations, trains, and centralized procurement and self-purchase,” explained the spokesperson of CR-Xi’an’s Rural Revitalization Office. In addition to setting up sales areas on stations and high speed trains within their jurisdiction, they also organized assisted villages to promote agricultural products to other bureaus of CR, such as CR-Beijing, CR-Chengdu, and CR-Nanning. They assisted farmers in increasing income through means such as the benefits of CR-Xi’an’s trade union, welfare, and cafeteria purchases. In 2023, they purchased and helped sell Mian County’s agricultural products, exceeding 35 million yuan, more than double the target for consumption assistance.

  Rural revitalization is closely related to cultural and ecological environments. CR-Xi’an adheres to the principles of “going out to learn knowledge and inviting in to teach skills.” They have trained over 5,400 grassroots officials, leaders of rural revitalization, and professional technical talents, promoting talent revitalization. They have organized characteristic activities such as rural sports competitions, the “Village Basketball Association,” and cultural performances to promote cultural revitalization. For the rapeseed flower sea scenic area in Tangjiawan Village, Fuchuan Town, they built supporting facilities for the integrated development of rural culture and tourism, constructed water closets, installed solar street lights, improved the living environment, and promoted ecological revitalization.

  With a direction in mind, efforts will naturally follow. CR-Xi’an fully leverages the advantages of party building, guiding outstanding agricultural talents and cooperative leaders from assisted villages to align with the Party organization. In 2023, they developed 12 Party members in assisted villages, identifying “leading geese” and strengthening the “backbone.” They organized 12 party branches from CR-Xi’an and assisted units to conduct themed party day events 62 times in assisted villages, further consolidating the joint force of rural revitalization. They organized more than 130 people from Mian County to visit places such as the Eighth Route Army Office in Xi’an and the Yan’an Revolutionary Memorial Hall, inheriting the red spirit, solidifying faith foundations, and promoting organizational revitalization.

  Data don’t speak, and great love is silent, yet data best interprets the responsibility and commitment of targeted assistance. In 2023, CR-Xi’an was rated as “excellent” in the assessment of targeted assistance work in Shaanxi Province for the eighth consecutive year. They were awarded the “Advanced Collective for Targeted Assistance Work” by Shaanxi Province and the “Railway Assistance Work Locomotive Trophy” by CR. CR-Xi’an’s resident teachers in Mian County received honors such as “Outstanding Chinese Youth Volunteer,” “Good Youth Across the Railway Industry,” and “Advanced Individual in Railway Assistance Work.”
